Succession Planning

All businesses need to consider the talent within their organizations with an eye to developing a pipeline of successors for key roles. Without a succession planning process, an organization has no line of sight to its own talent. With this process, a business can identify potential replacements; provide them with the necessary training and development; and successfully backfill vacancies with minimal disruption. Succession planning must take into account the strategic direction of the company, the current strengths and weaknesses of the organization and the challenges ahead.

  • Succession planning process

Global Change Leaders have gained their skills in the creation and implementation of succession planning processes in a company world renowned for its leadership development.

Our Services

   Due Diligence Support

   Governance Planning & Audits

   Integration Projects

   Organizational Change

   Post Implementation Assessment & Audits

   Project Management & Coordination

   Succession Planning

   Talent Assessment

   Training & Coaching